Gay Straight Alliance Meeting Minutes for Wednesday February 6th
  • The GSA participate in a Yarn exercise led by C. It was pretty cool! 
  • We discussed the up coming Valentines Day Bake Sale. C would like all those who are baking to bake the goods from scratch. 
  • We discussed the club budget, and planned to address and gain clarity on the budget provided to us by student life. 

Up Coming Dates
  • Gay Straight Alliance Valentines Day Bake Sale! Thursday February 14th - Noon to 4 pm in the Atrium!
  • The Third Annual Gender Matters conference will be April 13th and 14th. More info here:
  • Leadership Award Packet Available - Monday, Feb. 11th
  • Leadership Award Packet Due- Tuesday, March 7th
  • Leadership Awards Banquet- Friday April 26
President Club Meeting
The Presidents club meeting is a meeting of the presidents or officers of the various clubs in the school. Last Thursday I (W) attended the meeting and took the below notes. 
  • S went over budget changes. The big change is that each club will have their own account number. 
  • The Dean of Students spoke about an upcoming leadership awards for clubs, and leadership banquet. There will be a couple criteria, so more then one winner. Sounds like a pretty cool opportunity!
  • The Student Senate Treasurer spoke about well... Money. She urged clubs to keep up with their bookkeeping. Several club officers expressed their frustrations about the turn around time on reimbursement.
  • The Student Senate Vice President urged clubs to be more creative than bake sales. (Student Senate uplifted the Bean bag toss fundraiser that was going on at the same time as a creative alternative to bake sales. I asked two questions: How much money did they raise, and how was the student participate on the event.  Lastly I made the follow up point that bake sales work at raising money which gives us the resources we need to do events.)
  • Student senate and Student Life urged all clubs to use blackboard. (I asked questions about the content and resources on blackboard for clubs. The news on blackboard is the same event news in the GSU View. The only feature on blackboard that isn't provided by GSU view is the forum for club officers to communicate.)
  • Several of the club officers voiced their concerns about how long it takes to reserve a space and getting bumped because spaces are being over booked. Several also voiced concerns about more effective ways to advertise for events. 
  • I also asked about the purpose and benefits of clubs attending the president club meeting, and if there was a mission statement. I didn't get a clear answer to the first question, and got a No to the second question. I also challenged the other officers on their relationships with other clubs.  The club officers passed around a notebook and exchanged contact information with each other. 
Old Business:

Domestic Abuse Flyer
To Do:
Flyer approval (William spoke to student life. It is (even more) almost approved!)
Create team of volunteers

Bake Sale (OCTth 2 and 4th)
To Do:
Who is baking what?
C- Cotton Candy Machine
W- Cupcakes
Who is donating what?
Who is person-ing the booth?
C, A, and W

Fagbug (OCT 9th at 3pm in Sherman Hall)
To Do: 
Put flyer Everywhere (UU, Hand out to classes ect)
Legal Paper work (I spoke to student life they said it was almost done)
Money Requisition (An Invoice must be attached to this paper work. Did with figure out which hotel we are picking for Erin? What is the status?)
Money Requisition for after party snacks. (An invoice must be attached. What is the status?)
Side Walk Chalk approval 

National Coming Out Day Forum (Oct 11th at 3pm in Engbretson Hall)
To do:
Create Flyer!
Put Flyer Everywhere!
Find Speakers:
Dr. C
Dr. S?

Before and After Deployment: Trauma and the Impact on the Military Family (OCT 29th at 3pm in the Center for Preforming Arts)
Topics: PTSD, GLBT under Don't ask don't tell, Women Serving as respected leaders in the Military, Family Members of combat Veterans, After Deployment-Warriors to work.
To Do:
Plan how we want to support this event?

New Business:
Ideas for November:
Transgender/Transsexual Form
Drag Show

What is Pierre the Penguin's Gender? (Penguin has been ordered!)
William's idea was to have a giant penguin at all of our functions and have people vote on his gender. We would provide people with a giant list of genders to choose from, and when and if we get enough votes proposition the school about officially making a stance on Pierre the penguin's gender. 
Hello All!
Last meeting went well! It was good to meet all the new faces! As per a comment the meeting before we decided to split our meetings in half from now on. The first half of the meeting (from 3pm to 3:30) we will discuss planning and from (3:30 to 4pm) we are doing a open or topical discussion. At last weeks meeting we spoke about what the word gender meant. 

Below is a list of the To Do's for each of the up coming events. I know it looks like a lot of stuff! But we are trying to be as thorough as possible. Most of the things to do are small and quick tasks! If you can bake goods or can donate funds please respond to this email stating so. 

After the meeting minutes included is a summary of the notes William took at the Club and Organizations Luncheon.

GSA Secretary
Old Business:

Domestic Abuse Flyer
To Do:
Flyer approval (William spoke to student life. It is almost approved!)
Create team of volunteers

Bake Sale (OCTth 2 and 4th)
To Do:
Who is baking what?
Who is donating what?
Who is person-ing the booth?

Fagbug (OCT 9th at 3pm in Sherman Hall)
To Do: 
Create Flyer! (ASAP!)
Put flyer Everywhere (UU, Hand out to classes ect)
Legal Paper work (I spoke to student life they said it was almost done)
Money Requisition (An Invoice must be attached to this paper work. Did with figure out which hotel we are picking for Erin? What is the status?)
Money Requisition for after party snacks. (An invoice must be attached. What is the status?)
Side Walk Chalk approval (The parking for Erin's Bug should be fine now. Do we still want to do the chalk Idea?)

National Coming Out Day Forum (Oct 11th at 3pm in Engbretson Hall)
To do:
Create Flyer!
Put Flyer Everywhere!
Find Speakers (Speaker list as of now :Carrie)
Find Facilitator for event. 

Before and After Deployment: Trauma and the Impact on the Military Family (OCT 29th at 3pm in the Center for Preforming Arts)
Topics: PTSD, GLBT under Don't ask don't tell, Women Serving as respected leaders in the Military, Family Members of combat Veterans, After Deployment-Warriors to work.
To Do:
Plan how we want to support this event?

New Business:
Ideas for November:
Transgender/Transsexual Form
Drag Show

What is Pierre the Penguin's Gender?
William's idea was to have a giant penguin at all of our functions and have people vote on his gender. We would provide people with a giant list of genders to choose from, and when and if we get enough votes proposition the school about officially making a stance on Pierre the penguin's gender. 

Notes from the Clubs Luncheon 

The new Dean of Students introduced himself:
If you see him lost in the halls say hello and give him directions. 

The Dean of students has provided an opportunity for clubs to win a free lunch. The only requirement is that we send an email to him by Oct 5 about events we have done before Oct 5th. 

The Dean promoted the Student Leadership Institute:

The GSU  presented and stated that they are looking for student written articles and that they have a new website:

The procurement speakers presented about following the procurement procedures and putting in paper work in a timely fashion

Bake sale Items must be bagged. 

Sept 21st is the first presidents council meeting in room A234

GSU looks to be promoting clubs use of social media. They will also be creating a system where clubs can be using blackboard. 
Gay Straight Alliance Meeting Minutes 9/5/2012

I.      Call to order

C, A, W called to order the regular meeting of the Gay Straight Alliance at 3pm on 9/5/2012 in Rm E2590.

II.      Roll call

W  conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: W, A, C, and A.

III.      Approval of minutes from last meeting

William read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

IV.      Open issues

a)      Fagbug Event (Oct 9th)

(To do: Money Paperwork, Find Facilitator. Advertise. )

b)      National Coming Out Day Forum (Oct 11th)

(To Do: Find Speakers. Find Facilitator. Advertise)

c)      Veterans Event (Oct 29th)

The veterans event is a large scale forum put on by the Social Work Student Organization, they will have a speaker to talk about Don't Ask Don't Tell issue. We are still brain storming how we are going to support this.

V.      New business

a)      Bake Sale (OCT 2nd and 4th from 11am to 4pm)

(To Do: Bake Goods. Find funding to buy supplies.  Schedule who is going to be  at the bake sale.)

b)      Sidewalk Chalk Adverting.

The side walk chalk idea is in case we GSU won't let Erin Park her car in the front we spoke about a Plan B where we would draw a Giant Rainbow colored VW Bug on the side walk at the entrance of GSU. And other drawings and statements.

VI.      Adjournment

W adjourned the meeting at 4:00pm.

To Do List:

Paperwork for bake sales (C)

Ads in GSU View, Twag, Week at a glance (W)

Ask Dr. H about Fagbug Facilitator, contacting teachers about having classes come to Fagbug/NCOD events. (W)

Contact UU to advertise and ask for speakers for NCOD. (W)

Send mass email to LGBT school clubs. (W)

Write article for phoenix (A)

Create flyer for Fagbug/NCOD (Somebody?)

Fagbug Itinerary

Start at 3pm

Introduction of speaker

Erin speaks and play video

Q and A

Closing Statement by facilitator

After Party with GSA and Erin (To Do: Money paperwork)

National Coming Out Day Itinerary

Start at 3pm

Introduction of topic and speakers

Panelists tell their stories (Approximately 15 minutes each)

Q and A

Closing statements

Meeting Started at 3:30pm June 27th 2012

The purpose of the meeting was to brainstorm fall events and about the GSA in general. 

We spoke about creating a set of goals for next term:
-Recruitment (teachers, students, and the community)
-Once a Month event or fundraiser
-Develop presence at GSU
-Do Volunteer work as a club
-Set up a regular schedule with regular advertising for meetings

We also brainstormed ideas for the future:

-Have a future discussion about the name of the club. 
-Have a future discussion about the mission statement and purpose of the club. 
-National coming out day event (pretty sure the Dr. Z will front run this)
-Mentor ship with high school GSAs
-Volunteer work
-Tee-shirt (including designing a logo and slogan)
-Safe Zone
-Art fair / Silent Auction (highlight lgbt artists and allies and fund raising)
-Drag fashion show
-Create brochure
-Writing articles for the phoenix 

The next event will be Welcome days. Welcome days is the first or second week of the fall term where all the clubs have a booth to advertise. Last term they had a competition about booth decoration. 
We discussed having a poster board with photos of the events and things we accomplished so far, and having a brochure to hand out. 

We also discussed having a skype meeting before the term next term st

Meeting ended 4:15pm